Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Casa Batllo

Like a blanket being shaken, the Casa Batllo's facade ripples. This amazing structure is one of Antoni Gaudi's most artistic houses. Although he did not build the original structure, he transformed the building in to something innovative and in deep contrast to it's original shell. Owner, Mr. Josep Batlló went from wanting the building knocked down to changing his mind and seeking Gaudi's talents to transform his family home and make room for renting out the top.

Due to it's eccentric features, Casa Batllo recieved several different nicknames at the time of it's renovation. The windows were enlarged, thefore passing members of the public called it "la casa dels Badalls" or the House of Yawns. It was also nicknamed because of it's thin columns as "la casa dels ossos" or the House of Bones. You'll see also that the balconies look similar to masquerade masks, and as you can see from the photo on the right, with the right use of lighting, the building comes alive at night.

(By: Erik on Flikr 27/04/2008. Some rights reserved)

As with the Casa Mila, Batllo's inner floors are supported with Catenary arches and the tower at the top of the building stands out from the rest of the building as everything else throughout is line with it's opposite side. Like many of Gaudi's other works, the tower is adorned with religious figures. The intricate masterpiece inspired Pere Mila, leading him to employ Gaudi to create his Casa Mila.

(By: J.Salmoral on Flikr 13/11/2006. Some rights reserved)(By: xn44 on Flikr 22/3/2008. Some rights reserved)
(Casa Batllo at night picture by: caribb on Flikr 9/6/2007. Some rights reserved)

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